All activities will continue as usual today, and our buildings are open.

Mom's In Prayer

Moms in Prayer Meetings

Moms in Prayer is an international organization whose vision is to have a group of moms covering every school in the world in prayer. The NHCA Moms in Prayer group meets weekly to spend an hour in focused time of praise, silent confession, thanksgiving and supplication for the school, staff, students and our own children.  We encourage all women with a student at NHCA - including moms, aunts, and grandmothers - to check us out this school year!  Contact Amy Wilhelm (  or 651.246.5975) or Sarah Richter (  or 651.219.1173) with questions.

When: Thursdays, when school is in session
Time: 8:50 - 9:50 a.m.
Where: North Heights Church (Roseville Campus) // Fireside Room
            *Use the church door just north of the cross-walk connecting the dismissal area with the west parking lot.