Enjoy Bible stories and lessons that emphasize God's care
Participate in dynamic weekly school wide chapel sessions
Instill God's truth in their hearts by memorizing Bible verses
Demonstrate Christ’s example of kindness, compassion, and forgiveness to one another
Language Arts
Understand and apply knowledge of the sound-symbol relationships in pre-reading
Express ideas and thoughts in writing using age-appropriate conventions
Enjoy a variety of rich literature, as well as non-fiction texts
Use a variety of strategies to expand reading, listening, and speaking vocabularies
Engage in mathematical concepts using hands-on activities and interactive games
Apply learned concepts of numbers, patterns, money, time, and measurement to their everyday lives
Predict, observe and investigate using the scientific method
Study God’s marvelous and amazing creation: their human abilities, the earth and sky, animals, and plant life with hands-on learning and Christian worldview
Social Studies
Understand their place in the world by: comparing and contrasting past and present living
Understand their place in the world by: implementing maps and globes
Special Projects/Trips
Provide unique experiences that enhance the learning in the classroom is an important part of the NHCA Kindergarten program