All activities will continue as usual today, and our buildings are open.

School Board

Top row: Mark Gregory, Linda Kordosky - NHLC Council Representative, Lauri Pickett
Middle row: Paul Gramith, John Oldfield-Senior Director of Finance & Administration & (Ex-officio), Josh Thurston-NHCA Principal (Ex-officio)
Bottom row: Barry Helgeson, Sheila Sigecan, Mary Fonken-Holden

School Board members are Deacons and serve a three (3) year term


Guided by the Holy Spirit, the NHCA School Board seeks to ensure that a high-quality, Christ-centered, Biblically based education is provided at NHCA. Our goal is to have equip every student find faith in Jesus, discover their God-given purpose, and lead Spirit-filled lives of eternal significance. 

We support this goal through prayer, discussion, and planning to address current and future needs of NHCA while maintaining the unity of the Body of Christ within North Heights. The Board supports students, parents, and staff through ongoing prayer and participation in school activities and events.


The administrative body of North Heights Christian Academy consists of the North Heights senior pastor and the North Heights senior director of finance and administration, the Board, and the principal. The Board reports to the senior pastor, who reports to the Council of Elders. The principal reports to the senior pastor and the senior director of finance and administration.

The principal is charged with implementing the curriculum, supervision and direction of the staff, and overseeing the day-to-day affairs of the school programs and curriculum.

In the principal’s absence the senior pastor or his designee is responsible for supervising and directing NHCA. The principal also implements school programs and curriculum.


At the first scheduled meeting of each school year, the Board members shall elect a chairperson, vice chairperson, and a secretary. These officers have the following responsibilities:

Chairperson – Shall preside at all Board meetings and perform other duties as approved by the Board. The chairperson shall serve as the Board’s point of contact for the principal.

Vice Chairperson – Shall perform the duties of the chairperson in his or her absence, disability, or refusal to act. When so acting, the vice chairperson shall have all powers of and be subject to all the restrictions upon the chairperson.

Secretary – Shall cause to be recorded the minutes of all regularly scheduled meetings of the Board. The secretary shall have custody of the Board records and documents and shall conduct necessary correspondence and perform other duties associated with the office.

The presence of 4 voting Board members at all meetings, whether regular or special, shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. The principal and senior director of finance and administration are ex-officio members who have influence but cannot vote. No official business of the Board can be conducted with fewer than 4 voting Board members present. A decision for action shall be made by the Board when it receives a majority of the votes of the Board members in attendance at a legally called meeting.


Only members of North Heights Church may serve on the Board. The process of becoming a oard member begins with the formation of the NHLC nominating committee. Suggested candidates from the nominating committee are submitted to the NHLC Council for their approval before being added to the election ballot in order to be voted on by the NHLC congregation at the Annual Meeting in May. 

No one employed by NHLC or any of its ministries or spouse of NHCA staff member may serve on the Board, except for the principal and senior director of finance and administration.

The Board is comprised of up to 9 members (7 voting and 2 non-voting). While it is desirable to have Board members who have or have had children attend NHCA or have professional education experience, it is not a requirement to serve on the Board.

Other than the Council representative, the term of office for all voting members shall be 3 years. A Board member may serve no more than two consecutive terms. A Board member may be elected once again, but only after one year off the Board. 

The term of the Council representative continues at the discretion of the Council. The Council representative shall not exceed the end of the term of their office.

Terms of office begin on June 1st.  Any member whose child has been dismissed from enrollment will vacate their membership on the Board. The NHLC Council of Elders will appoint a replacement to complete the remaining term. 


Each board member shall:
  • Know Jesus Christ as personal Savior and Lord and have experienced personal renewal in the Holy Spirit as outlined in Ephesians 5:18
  • Be an active NHLC member in good standing for at least 2 years.
  • Be in full agreement with the NHLC Statement of Faith, Vision, and Mission
  • Exemplify a life of faith and loyalty to God’s Word
  • Have interest in and appreciation for the spiritual life & Christian education of children
  • Be willing and able to assume responsibility and work well with others under the power of the Holy Spirit
  • Vote one’s beliefs
  • Be willing & able to make sacrifices of time & talents for the benefit of NHCA
  • Understand and cope with the current realities facing NHCA including finances, infrastructure, and enrollment


  • Give prayerful consideration and thought to the Board’s responsibilities
  • Actively promote NHCA within the community
  • Voice opinions and values at Board meetings
  • Regularly attend Board meetings
  • Willingly serve in leadership capacities
  • Give and urge others to give as God enables
  • Serve actively on committees
  • Visit NHCA when possible during both school and non-school hours
  • Keep Board issues confidential
  • Pray faithfully for NHCA
  • Regularly support and commend the staff and leadership


  • Members are faithful in attendance at all meetings. If unable to attend they are responsible for notifying the Board secretary, chair, or vice chair in advance so that materials may be mailed to the absent Board member. 
  • They are expected to prepare for each Board meeting by reviewing agenda, minutes of the past meeting and other materials.
  • Board members must direct appropriate inquiries and complaints regarding school matters to the principal.
  • Board members should place a high priority on attending as many school functions as possible including those during the school day or other times whenever possible.
  • Board members must refrain from inappropriate discussion of school board business at any non-business functions or gatherings.
  • Board members should use God given discretion in deciding what matters can be shared with spouses so as to cultivate and maintain important partnership relationships with their spouse.
  • Matters pertaining to staff and other matters of sensitive nature should not be shared outside of meetings. 


The Board meets the 4th Tuesday evening of each month August – November and January – May at 6:30pm. Meeting dates will also be posted in the weekly parent communication (NHCA News). 

Any NHCA parent may address the Board during the open forum at the beginning of the regularly scheduled meeting with a comment or concern by leaving a message for the principal in the school office. 

Approval to address the Board must be given by the Principal and Board Chairperson before being formally added to the meeting agenda. Each parent will be given 2-3 minutes to state comments or concerns. The Board reserves the right to delay formal responses until a future meeting or reschedule discussion to a future meeting. 

Any NHCA staff member wanting to address the Board must first discuss any comment or concern with the Principal before being approved by the Principal and Board Chairperson to be added to the agenda.


Copies of the Board minutes from the previous month’s meeting, will be available upon request from the school office.